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Shane Walker: The Tragic Disappearance of a Young Boy

Shane Walker

Missing person. On the evening of August 10, 1989, Rosa Glover, a single mother, took her son Shane Walker to the playground near their home in Harlem. Little did she know, that day would be the last time she saw Shane. The disappearance of Shane Walker remains unsolved to this day. His case is intertwined with the abduction of another young boy, Christopher Dansby, just a few months earlier.

Shane Walker. The Day Shane Went Missing

Rosa, 35 years old, lived in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Towers in Harlem with her 19-month-old son, Shane. On this particular summer evening, Rosa decided to take Shane to the playground at 113th Street and Lenox Avenue. It was a hot day, and Shane, suffering from an ear infection, had been on antibiotics. Rosa thought that ice cream and some playtime would lift Shane’s spirits. They were enjoying their ice cream when two children from the apartment building came over. They asked if they could push Shane on the swings. Rosa hesitated but eventually agreed.

The Mysterious Stranger

As Rosa sat on the bench, she noticed a man sitting next to her. He struck up a conversation about a recent kidnapping in the area. Rosa, unaware of the event, listened as the man showed her scars from a recent fight. She glanced over at Shane on the swing, but when she looked back at him a moment later, he was gone. The children who had been playing with Shane were nowhere to be found. Rosa screamed his name, but there was no answer. The children reappeared moments later, telling Rosa they had left Shane in the park and didn’t know where he was.

The Search for Shane

Rosa immediately called the police around 6:30 pm. NYPD responded quickly, having just dealt with the abduction of Christopher Dansby three months earlier. Around 200 officers conducted a massive search in the area, including the apartment building and nearby dumpsters. They also searched abandoned buildings, but no trace of Shane was found. Interviews were conducted with the children who had been playing with Shane, but they provided no further information. The man who had been sitting with Rosa was identified and questioned, but there was no follow-up on him.

A Mother’s Desperate Search

The following days were a blur for Rosa. Two detectives visited her daily, monitoring the apartment building for ransom calls. There was no phone call, and no sightings of Shane. The NYPD questioned both Rosa and Shane’s father, James Walker, but there were no signs of involvement from them. The couple maintained they passed polygraph tests, though some reports claimed the results were inconclusive. The investigation continued, but leads were scarce.

Rosa’s Strength in Adversity

Rosa’s pain was compounded by the fact that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer twice, a battle she had fought and survived. Despite her personal struggles, Rosa remained hopeful. She held onto the belief that one day, she would be reunited with Shane. She and James continued to live in the area where Shane was taken, hoping that one day they would see their son again.

A Possible Suspect

A possible suspect was identified in the case. According to reports, the suspect was described as a lighter-skinned African American man, about 5’8” tall, between 19 and 24 years old. He was reportedly wearing a yellow shirt and stonewashed jeans at the time of Shane’s disappearance. Unfortunately, no further details have emerged.

The Ongoing Search

Despite the years that have passed, Rosa has not given up hope. She continues to search for answers and dreams of being reunited with her son. The case remains open, and anyone with information is urged to come forward.

How You Can Help

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Shane Walker, please contact Detective Daniel Keane at the NYPD at 212-694-7781. If you are uncomfortable contacting the police directly, you can email us at [email protected], and we will forward the information to authorities.


Shane Walker’s disappearance is a heartbreaking mystery that continues to haunt his family and the community. Rosa’s perseverance and hope remain strong, despite the years of uncertainty. She is determined to find her son, and with the help of the public, one day, she hopes to bring Shane home.


  • This feature was a collaboration with Unsolved and Missing Black People.
  • Shane Walker | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom
  • Newsday (Suffolk Edition) from Melville, New York –™
  • Christopher Dansby and Shane Walker’s Moms Still Hope They’ll Return
  • Chilling cold case: Mom faces park where son disappeared for first time – ABC7 New York

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