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NFound Samaritan Project

Nonprofit 501(c)3

The Nfound Samaritan Project 501(c)3 is a California based nonprofit that assist communities to help find lost and missing persons, victims of human trafficking as well as pets and personal items. Our organization has introduced an application which serves as a tool to share critical information on various platforms with users who have downloaded the application. This effort is done with the hope of inspiring others towards Samaritan acts of kindness for the whole of humanity. Helping restore families and friends to the ones we love and cherish is our mission.

The innovative Lost and Found app lets users post information about missing people, pets, or items, or they can do the same when they find them. The application shows data in real time.

Here’s what the application is all about. The search will go faster if the user gives as many signs, identifiers, and criteria as possible. The process of entering data won’t take more than a minute, and you won’t have to sign up for anything. This ad shows up on an interactive map that uses visual categorization and filtering after you enter the information.

We invite you to join our team at the Nfound Samaritan Project. Help us to help others.

“Helping To Bring People, Pets and Things Back Together.”

Download NFound App

Downloading the app makes you among the first to know when a person, pet, or item has gone missing allowing you the opportunity to spring into action

The idea for the Lost and Found app came about when it became clear that there wasn’t a single, easy-to-use online resource for finding lost and found items from different categories in one app. Sadly, most of us have lost someone or something. In a panic state, a person tries to search on their own, leaves ads on the street, and posts about the loss on social networks. Unfortunately, these methods don’t always work.

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Join the project

Nfound Samaritan Project is a California base 501(c)(3) nonprofit .

We rely on the involvement and support of our community, as well as the contributions from sponsors and donors like you. We would love for you to join our team and be a part of a movement that has the capacity to save lives and repair families and homes alike.

National Missing and Unidentified Persons Statistics
